Fire of Enthusasm…..Norman Vincent Peale

Fire of Enthusiasm

The philosopher B. Zu Tavern has written: “Before water will generate steam it has to boil. An engine won’t move an inch until the steam gauge registers 212 degrees. The person without enthusiasm is trying to move the machinery of life with lukewarm water. Only one thing can happen; he will stall. Remember, enthusiasm is electricity in the battery. It’s vigor in the air, it’s the warmth in the fire, it’s the breath in all things alive.

It is that mysterious something that turns an average person into an outstanding individual.
It makes an old person young, and without it a young person becomes old.
It is the hidden spring of endless energy.
It is that beautiful force that carries us from mediocrity to excellence.
It turns on a bright light in a dull face until the eyes sparkle and the personality brightens with joy.
It is the spiritual magnet that attracts helpful and happy people to become our fruitful friends.
It is the joyful emotional fountain that bubbles up, attracting persons to come to our side and drink from the joy that rises out of our heart
.It is the happy song of a positive person who sings an inspiring message to the world: "I can! It’s possible! We’ll do it.”

Enthusiasm is that long sought after fountain of eternal life. Old men stop to drink of its elixir and suddenly dream new dreams. Marvelous, miraculous, mysterious new strength surges through the old bones. Discouragement fades like the morning fog in the shining sun. Suddenly you catch yourself whistling, noticing birds flying, seeing the glorious shape of the white clouds against blue sky. From deep within you a new song breaks forth. You whistle. You sing. Now you are alive again!

Norman Vincent Peale

Ego Destroys Love

Ego Destroys Love

The difficulty with ego is that it is deeply concealed. Most of us don’t even know we have it. Ego destroys love. It destroys the ability to learn, so there is no more give and take. No more love. We go through many kinds of situations all day long so we should make sure we don’t stop exchanging love. Ego can be overcome by developing humility.


This Too Shall Pass Away

Life is indeed a passing stage!

10 Secrets to a Balanced, Successful & Happy Life

Since life is brief,
We need to make it bright!
Thou keep the old king’s motto in sight!
And let its meaning permeate each day
Whatever comes
This too shall pass away.
When some great sorrow
Like a mighty river,
Flows thro’ your life
With peace-destroying power,
And dearest things are swept
From sight forever,
Say to yourself then in this most trying hour,
This too shall pass away
If you are happy,
It will make you feel grateful.
If you are in the pain,
It will raise up your hopes.
If you are failed,
It will give you more courage.
If you are wealthy,
It will save you from being wasteful.
If you are poor,
It will keep your faith
If sickness besets you,
It will make you tranquil,
If triumph is yours,
It will make you humble.
In sickness or in health-
It will remind you
That life…

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Happiness is God….Paramhansa Yogananda

That’s what prompted me to name my blog…Happiness is God.!

10 Secrets to a Balanced, Successful & Happy Life

The only purpose of life is to know God.
Many people may doubt that finding God is the purpose of life;
but everyone can accept the idea that the purpose of life is to find happiness.
God is Happiness. He is Bliss. He is Love.
He is Joy that will never go away from your soul.
So why shouldn’t you try to acquire that Happiness?

Paramhansa Yogananda

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