Secondary Differences create Trouble!….Dalai Lama

Young children don’t care about differences of nationality, faith or race. So long as their companions smile, they play together happily. It seems it’s only as we grow up, in the course of education, that focusing on secondary differences between people creates trouble.


Mumbai Doctor Spends Rs 1.6 Lakh from Own Pocket to Grow Forest of 1500+ Trees!…The Better India

My first ever visit to a Miyawaki forest in Bengaluru was a fantastic experience. It exposed me to a whole new concept of afforestation in our cities.

It was also slightly strange because there is a distinct demarcation between an urban area and a forest in my mind. But, there I was – in a dense forest in someone’s backyard and that too, in a city!

(Miyawaki is a technique developed by Akira Miyawaki, a Japanese botanist, which helps you grow a dense forest in a restricted patch of land. The method dictates that you grow native species of trees, sub-trees and vertical-growing shrubs in a limited space of land.)

For Dr Sudhir Pillai, a cardiologist based in Mumbai, the fact that thousands of trees can be grown on a relatively small piece of land was nothing short of inspiring.

He had read about Pamela and Anil Malhotra, a couple who grew an entire forest in Karnataka, and that prompted him to convert his agricultural land near Nerul, Navi Mumbai into a lush forest of native trees.

With a 1500-tree strong forest and artificial reefs that will help our oceans, the Pillai family is fighting for the conservation of nature one element at a time!

– Tanvi Patel


A Story About The Stuff Inside

10 Secrets to a Balanced, Successful & Happy Life

It was about a small black boy at a county fair. A man was blowing up helium-filled balloons and letting them rise up into the sky to the delight of a crowd of children.

The balloons were in all colors. ‘Do you suppose that black one will go as high as those others?’ asked a little boy hesitatingly.

The man had a good deal of kindly understanding .‘Watch,’ he said, ‘and I’ll show you.’ Then he blew up the black balloon and let it go and it soared just as high as the others.

‘You see,’ said the man, putting a hand on the boy’s shoulder, ‘it isn’t the color that determined how high they go; it’s the stuff inside that sends them up.’

Norman Vincent Peale

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