Sadhguru Quote of the Day ….Joyfulness!

Instead of trying to produce good Human Beings, we need to create Joyful Human Beings. Joyfulness is the greatest insurance against all evil.
- Sadhguru
Choose to be Joyful

9 Daily Habits that Often Cause 90 Percent of Our Relationship Problems

9 Daily Habits that Often Cause 90 Percent of Our Relationship Problems

There’s something to be said for slow and steady progress, but there’s also something to be said for decisive and sweeping action. When it comes to negative relationship habits, there’s no time like today to quit cold turkey. Of course that’s a lot easier said than done, but with practice we can do better almost immediately.

Lately I’ve been making it a point to bring more awareness to the specific negative relationship habits our coaching clients have been repeatedly complaining about or engaging in. And perhaps more importantly than that, I’ve also been noticing how frequently many of the same habits and behaviors surface in my personal relationships. I mean let’s be honest, we all misbehave in our relationships sometimes. None of us are immune to occasional negative mood swings. But that doesn’t excuse what we do to each other on a daily basis.

Over the years, through our coaching practice and live events, Angel and I have literally worked with hundreds of individuals looking to fix or strengthen their relationships, and we’ve learned a lot about what it takes to make that happen. One of the most significant realizations, again, is the fact that most problems in our relationships (both intimate and platonic) arise from the same basic negative habits and behavioral issues. Here are some of the more prevalent ones to be aware of…(more…)

Sadhguru Quote of the Day

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When it comes to Food, taste is an incentive. But the essential criterion is how well it supports your levels of Energy, Health, and Alertness.
- Sadhguru