Everyday I’m getting better and better…Emile Coue

Everyday In Every Way I’m Getting Better And Better

Everyday in every way I'm getting better and better - by Emile Coué

Emile Coué, inventor of the ‘Everyday in every way…’ affirmation

Around a century ago a Frenchman named Emile Coué coined a phrase that could change your life.

It’s an often quoted phrase that you’ve no doubt heard before, and one that initially doesn’t seem terribly remarkable.

Coué was a psychologist and pharmacist who believed that most mental and physical illness was a result of the person’s thinking.

He discovered that he could help the recovery of a patient simply by praising the effectiveness of the medicine to the patient when he gave it to them.

We are often our own worst enemy. We frequently think negative thoughts and over time these negative thoughts take their toll. They taint how we see the world. Autosuggestion, or affirmations, can counteract this.

Coué experimented with different phrases for different conditions but his most well known affirmation is:

Everyday in every way I’m getting better and better.

A powerful affirmation

Affirmations can change you, and in surprising ways. They’re a tool you can use to influence the subconscious mind. But like any tool, they need to be built and used correctly.

The beauty of this particular affirmation is in it’s construction. It implies that:

  • there are improvements taking place in your life right now,
  • these will continue to take place into the future,
  • and these improvements will happen in every area of your life.

These three points can be found in any good affirmation.

How to say an affirmation

Now if you mumble this phrase to yourself half-heartedly a few times it’s pretty obvious it will do nothing for you.

But if you concentrate on it to the best of your ability, and try to really meaning it, you’ll get a different result. If you focus completely on the affirmation and say it with real feeling and conviction for 10 minutes then you will start to notice an effect.

In fact the best approach is to do this for 10 minutes every evening before you go to bed. If you do this for two weeks then you’ll be raving about how awesome it is.

Make affirmations a practice, don’t leave them as theory

Rather than take someone else’s word for it, when I first heard about this affirmation I decided to test it out for myself. I’d recommend you do the same.

When I did it, I was stunned at how this affected. I was feeling a bit tired and run down physically at the time and, perhaps ignorantly, I thought that if it was going to work then that would be an obvious area where there was room for some improvements.

But what I found was that it affected the way I was thinking. And it did this in a way I could never have anticipated. It is something that has to be experienced to be believed.

Since then I’ve gone on to use it many many times, and it has proved itself over and over again.

These and other experiences have utterly convinced me of the tremendous power of the mind. Sometimes the way we use our minds ends up having a negative impact on how we feel. But this affirmation is a really potent way of using your mind to help yourself in a very positive and uplifting way.

But I will reiterate: it won’t work unless you give it a really good go. You have to really do it as well as you possibly can. You don’t have to shout it out at the top of your voice, but you should say it with conviction and sincerity.

It will probably feel a bit weird at first – but it’s definitely worth it!

Emile Coué was ahead of his time and discovered a remarkably simple way people can help themselves. Don’t be fooled by its simplicity, give it a go, you won’t regret it.

Everyday in every way I’m getting better and better.

– Emile Coué

13-Year-Old Boy Uses His ‘Make-a-Wish’ to Feed the Homeless for a Year…Cathy Stack…passiton.com

Jackson, Mississippi – The past few years have been difficult for 13-year-old Adeola “Abraham” Olagbegi. In 2020, the teen was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder, and he underwent a successful bone marrow transplant and rounds of chemotherapy. Thankfully, Adeola is now out of the hospital. During his recovery, he found out that he had qualified for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ask for a dream wish from Make-A-Wish Mississippi. While many teens would opt for a memorable Disney trip, meeting a favorite celebrity or getting a PlayStation, Abraham instead chose to feed the homeless in his local community.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is famous for brightening the lives of children suffering from critical illnesses by granting their wishes. A wish typically falls into three categories: a wish to have something, go somewhere or meet someone. Abraham’s charitable wish to give came as a surprise to the organization. Linda Sermons, a Make-A-Wish Mississippi representative, said that Abraham’s generous wish was the first of its kind in the organization’s 35-year history.

“When he so easily gives to others at a time where everybody should really be supporting him, you just have to say, that’s a remarkable young man,” said Linda. She was impressed with the teen’s maturity and sense of compassion.

Abraham credited his past experiences volunteering with his family in their community with inspiring his giving wish. When deciding what to do with the incredible opportunity, the one thing that was most important to him was that his wish had a long-lasting impact.

“My mom always says it’s a blessing to be a blessing, so I just wanted to do something for other people to make it last longer,” Abraham explained.

Make-A-Wish Mississippi granted the teen’s wish in a big way. They created a service named after the teen, called Abraham’s Table, that will provide free meals to the homeless every month for the next year. Local businesses generously donate food and supplies, and recipients gather in Jackson’s Poindexter Park for the meals. Abraham and his proud mom personally attend and hand out the food. Abraham’s Table fed more than 80 people at its first event. Abraham said it warmed his heart when the recipients came back to thank him for the meal he provided.

Abraham now wants to inspire other teens to get more involved in local charities. He also wants to continue his mission of helping others by starting his own nonprofit that helps those experiencing food insecurity.

PassItOn and The Foundation For A Better Life believe that Adeola “Abraham” Olagbegi is a true hero. His selfless action provides a lesson for us all on the value of giving. Abraham shows us how those who give gain a sense of pride and an authentic connection to others. His act of giving will also have a long-lasting, positive impact on his community. Please help us honor Abraham by sharing his heartwarming story.

Please tell us about your everyday hero. The heroes among us are ordinary people whose actions leave a lasting and positive impact in their communities and demonstrate the potential in all of us. Their heroic acts uphold our shared values. Help honor these individuals by creating a billboard and sharing their story at: https://www.passiton.com/your-billboards/create

Usain Bolt runs at Expo 2020 Dubai to raise funds for charity!

The world-famous athlete laced up his trainers and joined hundreds of fans for a spirited Family Run


Multi-award-winning athlete Usain Bolt took part in a 1.45-kilometre family fun run at Expo 2020 Dubai on Saturday, November 13. All photos: Victor Besa / The National

On Saturday, UAE residents got a chance to run with world-famous, Olympic gold-winning athlete Usain Bolt.

A partnership between the athlete, Gatorade and the Sports, Fitness and Wellbeing Hub at Expo 2020, brought Bolt to Expo 2020 Dubai, where he took part in a 1.45-kilometre family run to raise funds for Al Noor Rehabilitation and Welfare Association for People of Determination.

The event was free to enter and open to the public, so hundreds of runners participated, running with the retired Jamaican sprinter who is the world record holder in the 100 metres, 200 metres, and 4 x 100 metres relay.

Sport-loving students of determination from Al Noor also participated in the family run, along with their families, running alongside Bolt, 35, who won eight Olympic and 11 World Championship golds in his career.

To commemorate the moment, Bolt posed with the students after the run, to further inspire them to continue pushing boundaries and achieve their goals.


Usain Bolt poses with Emirati athlete Hamda Hosani, who has 17 Special Olympic medals under her belt, at Expo 2020 Dubai. Victor Besa / The National.

Specially-abled Emirati athlete Hamda Hosani, winner of 17 Special Olympic medals, also joined Bolt at the event – fulfilling a lifelong dream of running with the sporting icon

Hosani, who has epilepsy, has long been a champion in the local sports scene, encouraging children to believe in themselves and embrace sport. She met Bolt on a surprise Zoom call ahead of his visit, when he invited her to run alongside him at the event.

“It has been a pleasure visiting Expo 2020 Dubai and learning more about how Dubai has reimagined the future of mobility, including making it easy and accessible,” Bolt said after the run.

“The family run today was a great example of how sports can bring a community together for a good cause. I always tell the young athletes that their possibilities are endless, and in today’s run, joined by the students of determination from Al Noor and Hamda Hosani, I think we’ve proved that.

“A big thank you to everyone in Dubai that came down to join us today for the family run. I can’t wait to come back to Dubai in the future!” he added.

“Sports has always had the power to inspire and connect people regardless of age, gender, nationality or background. It was truly exciting to welcome Usain Bolt, one of the world’s greatest athletes, to Expo 2020 and see him encourage communities to run for a good cause while promoting physical activity as a way of life,” said Sholto Douglas-Home, chief marketing, communication and sales officer for Expo 2020 Dubai.

Choose Gratitude…Contributed by Gulu Kripalani

Although gratitude should be an integral part of our lives every day, this month is when we intentionally set our hearts on gratitude.Everyone,even Science,knows that gratitude is good for us.

Physician and researcher Hans Seyle, who studied the negative effects of stress on humans, concluded that the best antidote to stress is gratitude. So, why is it so hard for us to be grateful sometimes?

There is much more to gratitude than what Science can name, because our gratitude grows as we experience and realize God’s goodness in our lives. Our gratitude is rooted in God. When we realize that everything that God allows in our lives is part of His purpose for our lives, we can be thankful as we submit to His will and trust that He is working it all for our good.

Life itself is a gift from God. The fact that we walk, talk, and breathe…they are all blessings! Having a roof over our heads, food on our tables & income producing jobs are all part of God’s overwhelming goodness in our lives.

Can life be stressful and difficult at times?Absolutely! But we have a choice, and this choice will have a great impact on our faith and personal relationship with our Lord. We can choose to focus on all the stressors and worry about things that are often out of our control, or we can choose to focus on the good that can come from even the hardest times and be thankful that we belong to the ONE who IS in control.

The next time you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or worried, take a deep breath and say one thing,you are thankful for,out loud. After that, say one more thing. You will realize that the more you voice your gratitude, the more your worries start diminishing as you find rest in God’s unfailing love.

Forsake me not, O Lord……Contributed by Gulu Kripalani

We frequently pray that God would not forsake us in our hour of trial and temptation, but we forget that we need to use this prayer at all times.

There is no moment in our life, however holy, in which we can do without his constant upholding. Whether in light or in darkness, in communion or in temptation, we need this prayer always, “Forsake me not, O Lord” “Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe”

A little child, while learning to walk, always needs the nurse’s aid. A ship,left by the pilot, drifts at once from her course.

We cannot do without continued aid from above; let it then be our prayer today, “Forsake me not. Father, forsake not thy child, lest he fall by the hand of the enemy."
"Shepherd, forsake not Thy lamb, lest he wander from the safety of the fold.
Great Husbandman, forsake not Thy plant, lest it wither and die."

‘Forsake me not, O Lord,’ now; and forsake me not at any moment of my life. Forsake me not in my joys, lest they absorb my heart. Forsake me not in my sorrows, lest I murmur against Thee.
Forsake me not on the day of my repentance, lest I lose the hope of pardon, and fall into despair;
Forsake me not on the day of my strongest faith, lest faith degenerate into presumption.
Forsake me not, for without Thee I am weak, but with Thee I am strong.
Forsake me not, for my path is dangerous, and full of snares, and I cannot do without Thy guidance.

The hen forsakes not her brood; do Thou then evermore cover me with Thy feathers, and permit me under Thy wings to find my refuge Be not far from me, O Lord, for trouble is near, for there is none to help.Leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation!